Bhagavad Gita

ಬುದ್ಧಿಯುಕ್ತೋ ಜಹಾತೀಹ ಉಭೇ ಸುಕೃತದುಷ್ಕೃತೇ ।
ತಸ್ಮಾದ್ ಯೋಗಾಯ ಯುಜ್ಯಸ್ವ ಯೋಗಃ ಕರ್ಮಸು ಕೌಶಲಮ್ ॥೫೦॥
buddhiyukto jahātīha ubhe sukṛtaduṣkṛte |
tasmād yogāya yujyasva yogaḥ karmasu kauśalam ||50||

Gist of the sloka:
One who has realized God, would wash out both his papha and punya; here itself. Therefore, proceed in the path of gynana. This is the real yoga; which one performs after knowing.
One who has achieved God realization, would wash away his accumulated papha and punya. Those karmas [deeds] would no longer hamper his progress towards reaching the Lord. Therefore, Lord instructs Arjuna to remain on the path of gynana yoga.
One accumulates karmas [deeds] due to various actions and inactions throughout one’s life. There are three types of karmas. They are sanchitha [accumulated over multiple lives/births/deaths], prarabdha [the reactions to the accumulated karmas which has started acting on the person in present time] and finally agami [future accumulations].
Again, there are two primary classifications – good deeds [punya] and bad deeds [papha]. In the punya [good deeds] category again there are two types – ishta [beneficial for realization] and anishta [not beneficial to realization].
Together all the 3 types of accumulation and 2 types [including sub classification of punya] of actions are called karmas here. Lord being ever present retains complete account of our karmas over multiple birth and deaths and applies the karmas as and how we have accumulated as per our overall growth.
For, very elevated God realized souls, who have achieved the entry to mukthi status, they still have to complete the ‘prarabdha’ karmas, which have already started. Lord being merciful would wipe out the accumulated [sanchitha] and agami [future possibilities] papha karmas.
Whereas the punya would remain. Of which people who have received the entry to mukthi have no reason to retain the anishta punya. Those are the ones which the Lord allows them to give it up. For they are not helpful for realization. They continue with only ishta punya which enhances their happiness in mukthi.
Anishta punya can be a reward as marrying beautiful women or emperorship of a large kingdom etc., For one who has already obtained access to mukthi these worldly rewards mean nothing and hence he rejects them for the greater reward, is to be with the Lord in mukthi.